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Our top 10 favorite books from 2018

Let us look at the top 10 selected books from 2018

(To read more about the book - click on the ranking number)



The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey

This is our absolute favourite and it has the reasons. This books based on multiple research of human behaviour and development. Stephen divides the book into sections accordingly in tune with how to define human behavioural development. How we go from being dependent during early ages of growth, to independent and lastly interdependent. Highly nourishing read! Recommended to read a section at a time and reflect.



Think fast, and slow by Daniel Kahneman
The nobel prize award winner Daniel Kahneman in economy here emphasises humans mind in decision making processes by describing in depth the two systems, our first system that is our reflex thoughts and our second system that is a decision made after processing information. These behaviours control our decisions in deed in everyday life. In the book it is based on decisions in regard to financial outcome, though it is well applicable to life as you are given a deeper explanation about how your mind work. Daniel clearly gives examples you easily familiarize yourself with and situations you feel you've been through several times. That is good, because further you can work on what you feel is needed to be developed in order to pursue your real wants and not act upon your reflexive mind.


Title on the book is in Swedish: Tänk snabbt, och långsamt



The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch

From our top choice on #1 you can continue reading into understanding your mind and how you can work with it to achieve what you aim for. If you want to gain control in achieving more in your daily life this is one of the books to start reading. No matter if you have difficulties at work, household management, children's schedules, friend meetings or own time. Priority is a major key and knowing how to balance to achieve more with less is an important ingredient in life management. Richard gives examples on how to orientate and direct yourself in mind and thinking by giving you new perspectives on what you might have already had a settled routine for. 



Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance
We all know him and hear about him, but do we actually KNOW ABOUT him? Ashlee finally got a chance to have the interview with him and write his biography. It is fascinating how his mind worked and how he put words into action. He is indeed an inspiring and interesting creature in our time of history to read about.  




I can't make this up - Life Lessons by Kevin Hart
Away from all the learning and educational books, sometimes you just want to read something in tune with your humor and, in our case Kevin Hart seemed to surprisingly be a comedic writer as well. Follow his journey with the same humor he has on stage. Totally hilarious and mind resting!


Delivering happiness by Tony Hsieh
If you are aiming to build a huge business as Zappos this book is a good book to read. Tony gives you clearly the ups and downs of the real deal when envisioning a big business. He gives the core believes and the importance of customer service, and how the culture he built for his company is now inspiring company cultures world wide. A very real story and pleasant reading. 


Sweet forgiveness by Lori Nelson Spielman
This novel is a life lesson learning novel connecting three generations and the outcome of reactions, decisions and how hurt can cause more damage than anticipated in the first place when making the decision. By forgiving you heal, not only the present, but the past and the future as well. A capturing novel you can definitely see in life stories today. Good for a summer on the beach. 

Title on the book is in Swedish: Älska, Glömma och Förlåta


BrainFit by Dr. Anders Hansen
Highlighting the importance of exercise in life and how it affects our brain. Mostly the impact of daily exercise on decreasing stress and depression rates. Interesting and if you are not already a person in training, you will for sure start exercising more. 



A necessary manual in social competence by Henrik Fexeus
Knowing how to interpret social behaviours right and how to not fall into wrong messages is a continuous work of art to develop. You learn something every day you encounter a new person you experience a new situation and you learn something new on how to interact. Knowing this, you can also easily discriminate what is real and what is not. Sometimes you also get a little laugh for yourself without that person knowing it.  

Title in Swedish: Fingertoppskänsla - en nödvändig manual i social kompetens



Professor Hans Rosling by/with Fanny Hagelstam
From pure interest in public health in early ages, to courageously pursuing the comprehension of the competence and health differences between developing and industrial countries, to creating a tool of educational purposes. With this tool, Gap Minder, proving that not the industrial countries are always the better countries in terms of health and therefore break the anticipation of conclusions that might not be right. An inspiring and real game changer in public health!

Looking forward to read new and inspiring books in 2019. Stay tuned on our instagram page with new books and other interesting posts.


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